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reqres (development version)

  • Use rlang native type checking instead of assertthat
  • Avoid request parsing until needed (if ever)
  • Fix bug that resulted in unintentional splitting of headers containing date-times (#11)
  • Improved query parsing that properly handles various forms of array notation (exploded and non-exploded with different delimiters).
  • BREAKING: query values are no longer automatically type converted during parsing as this could lead to loss of information.
  • DEPRECATED: Request$parse(), Response$set_links(), and Response$format() has soft deprecated passing in a list of values as the first element. Instead use !!! splicing
  • Response$status_with_text() now has a clear_headers argument
  • Added Response$set_formatter() method and Response$formatter and Response$is_formatted fields to allow delaying formatting until the response is sent off
  • The Date header is now always added if missing
  • Request$is() is now vectorised and provides the prefered choice as an attribute in the return
  • New condition signalling based on the HTTP Problems Spec. Request and response objects will now throw classed errors where they are encounters so that server implementations can catch these and handle them sensibly. This is in opposition to the prior setup where reqres would handle any errors internally leaving the server implementation in the blank
  • Added Response$clear_cookie() for requesting the client to remove the cookie
  • Response$set_cookie() now also accepts same_site = "None" if secure = TRUE is also given
  • Added Request$encode_string() and Request$decode_string() with the possibility of encrypting a string as well with a key given during initialisation
  • Added facilities for maintaining a session data store through an encrypted session cookie. The data store is made available through the session field in both Request and Response and the content will automatically be send along with the response as an encrypted cookie.
  • Added random_key() and session_cookie() helper functions to support the above
  • Added Response$data_store field to suppleant Response$get_data() and friends. It provides direct acces to the response data store
  • Fixed bug in format_xml() and format_html() that prevented standard lists to be converted
  • Responses now correctly sets the Vary header when performing content negotiation
  • Add compression_limit setting to control when compression is tried
  • Request and Response objects are no longer locked, as it decreases construction time. For debugging purpose you can still change this in the constructor class in your debug session
  • to_http_date() is now written in C as formatting POSIX values had an unacceptable overhead
  • Added some interface functions to the Mime database
  • Add functionality for resetting and reusing objects to avoid construction overhead

reqres 0.2.5

CRAN release: 2022-08-19

  • General upkeep
  • Fix bug whith unnamed cookies (#12)

reqres 0.2.3

CRAN release: 2019-10-02

reqres 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2018-11-12

  • Fixed bug in querystring parsing where the first key would retain the ?

reqres 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2017-10-25

  • Added querystring field to Request.
  • Added calculate_length() method to Response.
  • Added as_message() method to Request and Response.

reqres 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2017-08-12

  • Moved to a shallow dependency of Rook, making it easier to substitute or expand to other request formats
  • Added content negotiation and body parsing and formatting

reqres 0.1.0

  • Migrated Request and Response classes from routr