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Request and response classes

The main raison d’être for reqres is to provide classes handling http requests and responses. As both are coded as R6 classes with reference semantics all functionality of the object are documented together with the class.

as.Request() is.Request()
HTTP Request Handling
as.list(<Response>) is.Response()
HTTP Response handling

Content parsing and formatting

A main part of working with http requests and responses is related to getting the content of a request and setting the content of a response. While the Request and Response classes handle content negotiation it is up to the developer to tell how data of a certain type should be parsed or formattet. reqres provides a range of parsers and formatters for common exchange formats in order to ease the pain of this part.

parse_json() parse_plain() parse_xml() parse_html() parse_multiform() parse_queryform() parse_table()
Pre-supplied parsing generators
A list of default parser mappings
format_json() format_plain() format_xml() format_html() format_table()
Pre-supplied formatting generators
A list of default formatter mappings

Error handling

reqres provides a suite of helper functions to make it easy to report problems to the client in a standard way. These are all based on the HTTP Problems spec defined in RFC 9457


reqres includes a small selection of utilities beyond the ones mentioned above, which are listed here.

to_http_date() from_http_date()
Format timestamps to match the HTTP specs
Parse a query string
session_cookie() is_session_cookie_settings()
Collect settings for a session cookie
Generate a random key compatible with encryption and decryption in requests and responses